Saturday, 16 April 2011

I do remember a joke...

Equating Islam with terrorists is like...

equating all Christians with kiddly-fiddlers

or saying that all Jedis are like a bloke being kicked out of Tesco for wearing a dressing gown and carrying a lightsaber

(from Andy Parsons)

But better than that, he messed it up, and said "all Jedis are like a bloke being kicked out of Tesco for wearing a lightsaber and carrying a dressing gown", and started to crack up halfway through. "Now we are all thinking of a naked guy carrying a dressing gown, and we don't know where he is wearing that lightsaber". I imagine that he was wearing his "dressing gown" and Tesco staff told him that he wasn't allowed in wearing nightclothes, at which he said "OK then" and took it off.

Does the ban on shopping in your pyjamas extend to other dressing-gown-like clothing too? What about a karate gi? That looks dressing-gown-ish.

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